WORKBOOK - Called To Influence


WORKBOOK - Called To Influence


This workbook accompanies the Group Training Series.

Each participant requires their own workbook to capture personal reflections and learning during training as well as being a helpful resource after the series has ended.

The group training series is designed for use by any Christian Group, whether church or work-based, learning together how to stand united as influencers for God’s Kingdom.


“Called to Influence is an inspiring course aimed at catalysing and equipping Kingdom-influencers in the workplace. The combination of wisdom, scripture and real-life examples will help people to have the confidence to live a life of integrity and influence as 24/7 Christians.”

Kate Nicolas, Christian author, broadcaster and communications consultant.

What I valued about the course was the chance to journey with others in living out our faith in daily life, learning to recognise the many kingdom opportunities to bless and encourage, as well as look after our spiritual and emotional wellbeing” 

Sarah Amies, Management Development Consultant.

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